The 7th China-Japan Joint Conference on Material Recycling and Waste Management
, Okinawa, Japan
July18-21, 2016
ANA Crown Plaza Okinawa Harborview (July18-20),
Renaissance Okinawa Resort (July 21)
Conference Venue: South Okinawa government office : 沖縄県南部合同庁舎
Organizer : Kyushu University
Co-organizer : Tongji University
7th China-Japan Joint Conference on Material Recycling and Waste
Management is to muster core researchers and engineers of
waste management with a sense of responsibility. By achieving 1) Sharing the
latest information of regional issues on waste management; 2) Sharing tasks; 3)
Exchanging opinions to solve a problem, cooperation and combined effort; 4)
Releasing and sharing of knowledge and experience about technology and system;
5) Building and improving a network between China and Japan, it also aims to
improve people's lives and eventually prompt formulation of environmental
preservation of East Asia and sustainable society.
Paper title submission: April 1st, 2016
Conference registration: April 1st, 2016
Full paper submission: June 1st, 2016
Transportation and time scheduleNEW (2016.07.08)
Conference programNEW (2016.07.19)
Download of presentation slidesNEW (2016.08.01)
Group photo : 001 002NEW (2016.08.01)
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